Life at 1572: Welcome!


     I am a 25 year old stay at home mom to my handsome son. I am an avid photographer soaking up all the knowledge that I can.  My dream would be to have my own photography business someday, but if I only end up with great pictures of my kid I'll be happy with that too.  We are a military family with my husband serving his country for 7 years now.  The military has many ups and downs, but it has also provided us with so much.  We have been through three deployments to Iraq, one of which our son was born while my husband was gone.  When our son was 4 months old he finally got to meet his Daddy.  We have just recently moved after living 6 wonderful years in San Diego, Ca.  We hope to someday get back there, but for now we have been transplanted back to the Midwest where we are both originally from.  We are high school sweethearts.  We have been married for 6 years, and together for a total of 10 years.  I hope you will  come back and visit as I document the life around us.  
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