Life at 1572: Picnic Lunch

Picnic Lunch

Grayson, decided to sleep half the day today.  He didn't get up until 11:45.  It was supposed to be a gorgeous day so I decided we were going to get out of the house, and enjoy it.  At about 9:00 in the morning I packed lunches, and I got everything ready for a fun picnic at the park.  Then we waited and waited for Grayson to get up.  I was glad to see him sleep in though.  He hasn't been napping very well.  Trying to drop either his morning or afternoon nap, and this has left him quite cranky everyday. 

We made it to the park, and set out our spread.  I can't seem to leave the house these days without a suitcase of stuff.  Everyone has to have their drinks, and snacks, and extra stuff crammed into a bag.  We picked a shady spot and the boys chowed down on their pb&j's.  

Jackson found a stick and he decided it was fun to throw it all around the open grass.  He also ran tree to tree having me time him with the stopwatch on my phone.  Grayson headed out to try to chase his big brother.  I loved the trail of grass he left behind him as he crawled.  He's not afraid of anything.  The dirt and grass don't bother him at all.  He also loves to find a good stick.  He starts swinging them wildly, and they all become swords.  Something he has learned from his big brother. 

We took some time for the playground too.  Grayson on the swings, they get his tummy so he doesn't last long on them.  Then both boys climbing on the equipment.  I've noticed the changes in Jack, and how he plays on the playground since he's been going to school.  Slides and equipment he was once cautious about he's playing on with no hesitation.  He's quick to turn around and go down the big twisty slide backwards, something he wouldn't have done before.  He climbs higher and he goes faster.  It amazes me to sit back and watch him.  Just something else he's accomplished in his time aways from me.  He's getting so big and so brave.  

Grayson also likes to be brave on the playground equipment.  He uses the time to practice getting up the stairs.  He's not quite sure how to get down them just yet.  He had fun chasing Jack in the tube.  He never had enough grip to make it to the top so he'd just slide back down and start again.  He and I had fun going down the twisty slide together.  I'm braver at the park too this spring, Dad is usually the go-to guy for playing at the park.  

This is what you can find Jack doing most of the time when he's outside, digging in the dirt.  He loves it.  He goes in our backyard and just digs holes forever.  Pretending to have a construction site.  Today he was pretending to have dinosaur bones to dig up.  Had to get a picture of him digging and squatting.  Zach and I laugh at this stance he takes.  He's done it since he was a baby, and he can sit like that forever.  Maybe, he'll be a catcher one day.  

Of course what do you have to do after hours at the park on a hot day? You have to stop and get ice cream.  No, pictures but both boys enjoyed it.  Then what do you have to do after you get ice cream? You have to go to Hobby Lobby of course because it is right across the street.    

One of my favorite stores to wander around.  I love all the things.  We did pick up another sword.  Jack has a foam sword from there that he's had forever, but his is broke in half.  This makes it the perfect size for Grayson though, and he loves to play with it.  So we stopped and picked up a new sword for Jack so he can keep up with the wild boy play that goes on with his brother and Dad.

It was a beautiful day, and I hope the beginning of more fun filled days as our summer approaches. Ten more days left of school, not that I'm counting or anything.   

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Loved Grayson's trail in the grass! Like a human turtle! Can't believe there are so few school days left! Wow!

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