Life at 1572: Bad Day

Bad Day

Today was a bad day all around. I was in a bad mood, and so was Jack. I think one of us put the other in the bad mood, but I'm not sure who did it. He was very very whiney, clingy, and into everything today. I felt bad because I had to keep counting to 10 all day just to keep my patience. Is that bad? I guess frustration happens to everyone some time or another. We also attempted to take some pictures for our Christmas card. That wasn't going very well either, but after two tries we got a few. I wasn't feeling very well all day either. I felt kind of nauseous all day I think my blood sugar might have been low b/c i didn't eat, but I just couldn't muster up the energy to cook something. Luckily Zach was a GREAT guy today. Even though he got off work late he came home in a good mood, and he told Jack to be nice boy to his mommy. He then went to Walmart for me to pick up our cards, and then went to walmart again after realizing they didn't include the envelopes. Jack went to bed without a fuss, hopefully putting an end to his bad day. Zach and I watched a movie while relaxing on the sofa. It looks like tomorrow might be a little brighter!


Grandma Rosie said...

Don't get down on yourself. We all have bad days and being a Stay at home Mamma, you are ENTITLED. It won't be the first time you have to count to 10. Wait another year :) Plus this time of year people have so many ups and downs. I had a down day yesterday myself until your wonderful husband put me in a better mood when I received a phone call from him while he was out :) :) Hang in there girl.

Anonymous said...

Its not bad at all. Trust me I have them too. Just wait til he starts talking back and saying no! lol Hope today is better for you both.

Anonymous said...

everyonce in a while you going to have a bad day. luckly you married a wonderful man, to be in a great mood, for when you are down.

love you.

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