Life at 1572: Baby #2

Baby #2

I am going to try to be back to blogging, and what better way to start it off than to announce that baby number 2 will be coming into our lives March 2012.  I thought I would fill out this little pregnancy survey, and I will try to keep up with it.

How Far Along: 17 weeks 1 day

Size of Baby: An onion 5 inches from crown to rump and 5.9oz

Total Weight Gain:  -10 pounds

Maternity Clothes: Yep, just so much more comfy

Gender: ? We find out in 17 days (Jack still insists it is a sister)

Name: ? We aren't even discussing names

Movement: Yep, I have felt movement since about 12 weeks.  Now, it is just more consistent little taps, kicks, and squirms here and there.  Mostly, when I am sitting on the couch with my feet tucked up.  

Sleep:  Sleeping well these days.  I'm able to sleep w/o taking a sleeping pill.  Not going to bed too late, and sleeping all night.  

Food cravings: Nothing really.  When I want something I want it for a few days then I'm over it.  It was hummus.  Then it was fruity candy like starburst. 

Aversions: I'm not that into eating meat.  I can eat it, but I'd rather not.  

Symptoms: Indigestion, occasional nausea gagging,  round ligament pain, lower back pain, and shortness of breath.

What I'm looking forward to: Stronger kicks, and summersaults.  Finding out the gender just so I can start buying him/her things.  Also, so we can start planning getting the nursery ready.  

What I miss: Nothing

Next Appointment: Nov. 1st. 

At my last doctor appointment we got to hear the heartbeat.  It was in the 140's.  Doctor discussed upping my blood pressure medicine.  Blood pressure is good, but could be even better.  He said  I am fine to travel between here and Missouri as long as I'm taking care of myself.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for your little family and for Jack to experience being a big brother! Take care of yourself and that baby (girl) ;-)

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